The Immortal A1  way ahead of his time


With out doubt A1 is one of the best bucks,
that ever lived 
at Circle R, a son of  the great Ruger Reloaded out of the sister to Hummer (X46)
His first crop here 2014 mostly %, and  were all darn good, there were also 2 good Full bloods #34 Minnie Blue & #39 JuneBug..aka now the GREAT JUNEBUG.
In 2015  Xtra Shiny kidded STONE SOBER , and Clint Demmett had one single doe kid A1 SWEET SUMMERTIME  this doe with Clint has dominated the show ring for 2 years,  also dominant is the % roan headed doe A1 Kristol Pistol .
He left his mark in a lot of pedigrees.

 **A1 Sweet Summer Time**                A1-Kristal Pistol

A1 Minnie Blue          A1 JuneBug         A1 Stone Sober
A1 Nu Shiny Pistol

                          ***********MORE LEGENDS************ 

*********************** VELVET LADY ENNOBLED*******
a one of kind,  champion doe that produced champions
enlarge small pix.

A daughter of RUGER RELOADED came to Circle R as a weanling, starting her show career at 12 months in FTW she was champion both days   she went onto winning many more shows before kidding her first Champion son HI-OCTANE HUMMER..........Velvet was then bred to Ruger on Fire and produced an amazing single kid
Ring of Fire himself a champion............Velvet then went back to the showring as a senior doe, winning just about all she was entered in including  East Tx Fair - OKC, she was then  rebred to Hummer in the fall and 2014 produced HUMMERS WIDETRACK  then her best yet TEXAS EDITION & GRAND LADY VELVET both Champions  SADLY we lost Velvet after her last kidding, but she is also now ENNOBLED


****PRIMO PROFIT MAKER ENNOBLED & SIRE OF MERIT****one of the best bucks in the USA that influenced so many programs.

Primo himself was a succesful show buck winning Yearling Nat Champion, he has also produced Numerous Champion through the USA, its no accident he is so good he is the Best son of Ruger Reloaded  out of and an equally great doe. 
Primo is buried at Circle R.

some primo's below.