I think we had a pretty good Ft Worth stock show
always out First show of the year.
%Y doe Dangerous & PowerBall
1st place winners not pictured
6-9 Fullblood does (honey)
senior % champion (chrome)
Circle R produce also won Senior CH FB doe (okie)
& yearling Champion, (flower)
plus Overall CH & Reserve Overall CH......congrats to the owners Mardi Klements (flower) & Dennis Pippin
2014 Sucess started Jan at FTW, and keeps on Going not every goat is the RIGHT goat for a JUNIOR to show,
it takes the RIGHT goat to go WIN & have FUN!!!
Feb Greenville TX
Barbie Doll Y Champion & Overall % Champion.
Hazmat.......Y CH.
March Greenville TX
Call Me Dangerous % JR Champion
Xtra Event FB Y R: CH
Diva FB Jr Champion
April Miami OK
Hazmat FB Y & Overall CH
Diva FB Jr Champion
July Athens TX
Diva Y Champion
Sept Odessa TX
Bonnie Parker % R: Champion JR
Baby Doll % Champion S
PowerBall FB-B Y Champion
More winners click to enlarge